Welcome to Varco Energy, a pioneering UK-based battery storage asset owner and operator.

Our mission is to drive the energy transition to a net-zero future by building flexible energy storage. 

Helping integrate renewable generation and balance the grid allows Varco to make sustainable energy accessible and affordable for all consumers.

Why does the grid need battery storage?

Accelerating Renewable Integration

As the UK reduces its reliance on fossil fuels and embraces a more diverse renewable energy mix, storage allows the integration of intermittent wind and solar power into the grid. This reduced reliance on fossil fuels will minimise greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustaining a Resilient Grid

Grid-scale battery storage plays a critical role in stabilising the grid by managing fluctuations in electricity supply and demand as well as system frequency and voltage. This helps safeguard against power outages, ensuring a reliable and secure electricity supply for all.

Driving Consumer Value

Integrating renewable energy sources using battery storage reduces the need for expensive fossil fuel back up generation. This promotes affordability for consumers and supports our conviction in a fair and just energy transition.
